Houston Running

One of the leading sources for the discussion of Houston-area (and Texas as well) road racing. Focus and attention will be given to Houston-area runners, specifically HARRA members, that compete in outside-of-the-area events as well as those who do interesting things that aren't captured in the various media outlets, such as Inside Texas Running, Runner Triathlete News and Roberta MacInnis' Running Notebook in the Houston Chronicle (all fine publications and columns but with limitations too).

Location: Spring, Texas, United States

I'm a mid-to-the back of the pack runner who probably enjoys promoting runners more than I do running myself ... I've completed 21 marathons (with a 4:47:32 PR! in Austin) and 52 half marathons (with a 2:09:58 PR! in Oregon) since November 2003 ... I've done a marathon in 12 states, half marathon in 23 and an event in 30 states and one Canadian province ... I have a 13-year-old daughter, Waverly Nicole, who completed her first half marathon in January 2006, made only two B's each of the last two years, was the only sixth grader to sing a solo (Carrie Underwood's Don't Forget To Remember Me) in their choir program (adding Taylor Swift's Tim McGraw in '08) and scored a 19 on the ACT in December 2007 as a seventh grader ... Waverly and I are members of the following clubs -- the Seven Hills Running Club, HARRA and The Woodlands Running Club ... I'm Marathon Maniac #308 ... I edit HARRA's Footprints in Inside Texas Running and write a column for Runner Triathlete News called, "Talking the Talk" ... I'm also the running columnist for the Courier of Montgomery County ... I'm a three-time winner of TAPPS' Sportswriter of the Year Award as well as TABC's Golden Hoops Award.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Leading Texas "Hood to Coast Relay" Team Profiled in Chronicle

In case you missed the hardcopy Houston Chronicle on Sunday (or simply do not live in the greater Houston area), there was an excellent article, written by Roberta MacInnis, about the leading Texas team (which she was a part of) at this year's 24th annual Fred Meyer Hood to Coast 197-mile Relay.

The online link is: http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/features/3335716.

The area team, which was named "Houston We Have A Problem," finished the 197-mile race in 23:49:27, a pace of 7:16/mile which allowed them to finish 75th of 1,063 teams. (The winners did it in 17:34:51 - a staggering 5:22/pace.) It was also the best time by a Texas team in two years when Dallas' "Texas Waarped Speed" finished 52nd in 22:27:55.

The team members included MacInnis, Matt Kolesar, Anna Sumrall Helm, Wayne Cohen, Bryan Harris, Molly Swinney, Dora Tognarelli, Dirk Voorhees, Fernando Marcenaro, Brett Riley, Shawn Emerick and Shay Emerick.


Blogger Tiggs said...

It appears from checking out the Striders list that I already know some other members! I even work with one! Looking forward to meeting everyone eventually!

3:25 PM  

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