HARRA Announces 2006-07 Board
President - Anna Sumrall Helm (BCRR)
VP Clubs - Roger Boak (TTC)
VP Road Race Management - Stephen Mayor (HH)
Treasurer - Audrey Christiansen (FLS)
Membership - Erin Foley (ALRC)
At Large Members: Jo Ann Luco (HMSA), Cheryl Esposito, Sara Troscher (HF), Bob Linza, Bruce Mansur (BCRR)
Stilwell indicated that HARRA's by-laws provide that the president appoints 3 positions and that the remainder are elected. The positions of VP Communications (Doug Spence), Secretary (Scott Michelman), and Webmaster (Geoff Guenther) received no nominations and consequently will be filled by the President and the Board in their July meeting.
"Please welcome, congratulate, and support the forthcoming board of 2006-2007!" Stilwell said. "With the support and cooperation of all clubs, this boardlooks to be a dynamic, outgoing, and successful group of people who will be a great asset to the running community in Houston."
On a personal note, it is disappointing to see Doug and Geoff go by the wayside. Both individuals, who I consider to be good friends, contributed greatly to HARRA and its image during their tenure. Doug was responsible for putting together Footprints in Inside Texas Running (ITR) on a monthly basis while Geoff brought the organization's web site into the 21st century. -- JW
Thanks very much.
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