Austin Distance Challenge News
Highlights (or lowlights depending on how you look at it) include:
+ The new River City 10-Miler that was reinitiated by Run-Far's Raul Najera will replace the Pervasive Power Charge 10-Miler. (The spring race will go away.)
+ No changes in Uptown Classic 10K and the Motive Bison Stampede.
+ The Decker 20K Challenge and the 3M Half Marathon will undergo course changes. Minor for the former and major for the latter.
+ The RunTex 20 Miler in January that was in Round Rock will move to San Marcos, the article says, and replace the Moe's Better Half Marathon that takes place in March.
+ Everything regarding the Austin Marathon, but the date, is up in the air. Especially the course. (Oh how I loved that course!) A sponsor announcement may also be coming in the next couple of weeks.
i-being from the austin area-although having not run there in years-don't really like all these changes. i wish they would figure it out like houston has!
(not meant to be a slam...just an observation!)
I think the Distance Challenge adds a buzz to the mix in Austin that there isn't here in Houston with the HARRA Fall Series ... but I think it gets down to promoting it too.
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