Houston Running

One of the leading sources for the discussion of Houston-area (and Texas as well) road racing. Focus and attention will be given to Houston-area runners, specifically HARRA members, that compete in outside-of-the-area events as well as those who do interesting things that aren't captured in the various media outlets, such as Inside Texas Running, Runner Triathlete News and Roberta MacInnis' Running Notebook in the Houston Chronicle (all fine publications and columns but with limitations too).

Location: Spring, Texas, United States

I'm a mid-to-the back of the pack runner who probably enjoys promoting runners more than I do running myself ... I've completed 21 marathons (with a 4:47:32 PR! in Austin) and 52 half marathons (with a 2:09:58 PR! in Oregon) since November 2003 ... I've done a marathon in 12 states, half marathon in 23 and an event in 30 states and one Canadian province ... I have a 13-year-old daughter, Waverly Nicole, who completed her first half marathon in January 2006, made only two B's each of the last two years, was the only sixth grader to sing a solo (Carrie Underwood's Don't Forget To Remember Me) in their choir program (adding Taylor Swift's Tim McGraw in '08) and scored a 19 on the ACT in December 2007 as a seventh grader ... Waverly and I are members of the following clubs -- the Seven Hills Running Club, HARRA and The Woodlands Running Club ... I'm Marathon Maniac #308 ... I edit HARRA's Footprints in Inside Texas Running and write a column for Runner Triathlete News called, "Talking the Talk" ... I'm also the running columnist for the Courier of Montgomery County ... I'm a three-time winner of TAPPS' Sportswriter of the Year Award as well as TABC's Golden Hoops Award.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Officially on the Injured Reserve

It looks as if Rick Cook and Dave Smart will get another volunteer on Saturday morning at Run The Woodlands 5K #153. Everything I've read tonight points to the fact that I've developed an IT Band injury in my right leg. Its come from a number of things and is certainly self-inflicted. I've made a few mistakes here recently and now I'm paying for them.

I tried to eke out a couple of miles with Waverly at Memorial Park this evening; however, things just got to be too painful and by the time we had stopped to get something to eat at Jason's Deli (and before a trip to Barnes and Noble), I was having problems walking.

It was good to see Megan Clark-Dillingham on the trails after she ran her first 5K two Sundays ago at the Stepping Stones 5K/10K after having delivered her and her husband, Gavin's first child, Molly, late last year. She was running with former Houston Striders president Sandy Wollangk.

Before the mile 2 mark, after Waverly and I had been walking (since my right knee hurt and she hadn't run in awhile), we also said "Hi!" and waved at Lee Greb and fellow Strider/Houston Running Bloggers Jessica Alexander and Bill Cox. (Bill, when you saw me, I wasn't looking good! You lied!)

After Waverly got some water near the mile 2 mark, we stopped to talk to John DiMarco and his son, Ryan. I congratulated him on his PR that ALRC/HRBer Erin Foley helped pace him to. He was telling me when he found out what the winning time was for the women last Saturday (and knowing what Erin's PR was) that he apologized to her but I told him based on what I knew that she was happy to help him (which he also confirmed).

While we were standing there talking, Sean Wade waved (as he sped by), said Hi! and I was sharing with John how Sean had done this past weekend and the fact that he had won the Masters also at the Carlsbad 5000 and the Crescent City Classic 10K. John told me that he and Barry Chambers were over there in New Orleans as well. He said that he and Barry were close to each other around mile 3 (I don't remember if Barry caught up to him or vice versa) and that they realized that they were running in the vicinity with Bill Rodgers.

John, who finished in 49:20, said that he let Barry (47:54 at age 61) go so that he could run with Rodgers (47:24 at age 50).

Other than all of that, I had an excellent meeting at Memorial Park this evening from about 6:00 to 7:15 p.m. More on that next week!


Blogger Tiggs said...

uhhh ohhhhh, you said the dirty word "IT band"

hope that's not it....

6:57 PM  
Blogger Woodlands Runner said...

UGh! I hate ITBS. Lately, I've had hints of it, as if it's coming back but hasn't yet. Good luck.

6:43 AM  
Blogger Jessica, a Austin Runner AND triathlete said...

it was good to see you...sorry to hear you are injured. come out to this side of town more often though-wednesday was one big running party!

9:13 AM  

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