Houston Running

One of the leading sources for the discussion of Houston-area (and Texas as well) road racing. Focus and attention will be given to Houston-area runners, specifically HARRA members, that compete in outside-of-the-area events as well as those who do interesting things that aren't captured in the various media outlets, such as Inside Texas Running, Runner Triathlete News and Roberta MacInnis' Running Notebook in the Houston Chronicle (all fine publications and columns but with limitations too).

Location: Spring, Texas, United States

I'm a mid-to-the back of the pack runner who probably enjoys promoting runners more than I do running myself ... I've completed 21 marathons (with a 4:47:32 PR! in Austin) and 52 half marathons (with a 2:09:58 PR! in Oregon) since November 2003 ... I've done a marathon in 12 states, half marathon in 23 and an event in 30 states and one Canadian province ... I have a 13-year-old daughter, Waverly Nicole, who completed her first half marathon in January 2006, made only two B's each of the last two years, was the only sixth grader to sing a solo (Carrie Underwood's Don't Forget To Remember Me) in their choir program (adding Taylor Swift's Tim McGraw in '08) and scored a 19 on the ACT in December 2007 as a seventh grader ... Waverly and I are members of the following clubs -- the Seven Hills Running Club, HARRA and The Woodlands Running Club ... I'm Marathon Maniac #308 ... I edit HARRA's Footprints in Inside Texas Running and write a column for Runner Triathlete News called, "Talking the Talk" ... I'm also the running columnist for the Courier of Montgomery County ... I'm a three-time winner of TAPPS' Sportswriter of the Year Award as well as TABC's Golden Hoops Award.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Marathon Confidence Is Always A Good Thing

Having confidence going into any marathon is pretty much always a good thing.

Even when one might just be a wee little bit over the top. In pure fun, of course.

Thanks to eagle-eyed Edwin Quarles, we present to you 25-year-old Clute resident and Clute Intermediate School band director Brent Roach. Roach's registration is listed as follows among all three (3) Clute residents running next month:

Heinlein, Jenny Suzanne, 29, F, Clute, Texas, United States, Aramco Half Marathon -13.1 Miles
Roach, Brent Athlete of the Century, 25, M, Clute, Texas, United States, Chevron Houston Marathon - 26.2 Miles
Heinlein, Wes Aaron, 29, M, Clute, Texas, United States, Aramco Half Marathon -13.1 Miles

This link on the Brazosport ISD's web site describes Roach as "the band director at CIS. He attended East Central University in Ada, OK. Mr. Roach enjoys teaching at CIS because each day he finds a new challenge and becomes a more effective music educator and simultaneously improves the lives of the students. He likes the students at CIS because they are great and each of their personalities contributes to an outstanding student body. In his free time, he enjoys playing basketball, eating, playing piano, and playing ping pong."

The Brazosport Facts reported last month - in their online edition - that 12 of Roach's students were named on November 4th (in a competition at Pearland Jr. High South) to the All-Region Band. Not only is Roach an excellent educator and a first-time marathoner, it is clear that he has a healthy dose of good humor too.

Update! I had sent Brent an e-mail and he alerted me to the fact that he ran the Methodist Sugar Land Hospital 30K and didn't have to be admitted!

Seriously ... he finished 127th overall in a time of 2:24:50.1 chip time - a 7:47/minute pace.

"I did okay for a non-runner," Roach said about his debut race. "I've always had it (a marathon) on my list of things to do and decided I would go for it while I'm still young."

Brent, way to go and we wish you all the best!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look forward to seeing his bib.


4:03 PM  
Blogger WalkSports.com said...

It might be almost as good as mine!


4:06 PM  
Blogger Jessica, a Austin Runner AND triathlete said...

Musicians and their senses of humor:)


8:44 AM  

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