Friday Workout / Miscellaneous
Today, I got in a pretty decent workout -- 60 minutes on the elliptical machine (random, level 16, 5.33 miles -- yes, I'm counting them, but in a separate line item), 35 minutes on the bike (random, level 6 -- didn't make an hour because I wasn't fueled appropriately) and 45-50 minutes cutting the grass (when I cut grass - front and back - it isn't a leisurely stroll ... for me, it's a mini workout).
After leaving the gym, I went to get a quick bite to eat as I had to print more HARRA "Party In The Park" fliers and pick up from Best Buy my HP laptop, whose hard disk crashed almost two weeks ago. The young man at the register was new. (I could tell.) I walked up with a couple of magazines in my hand and my wallet. He asked, "Here or to go?" I thought the magazines made it kind of obvious, but I guess that's just me!
Alright, now to the flight home from Vancouver.
We were in seats 6 D, E and F. I was just waking up as we pulled to the gate when I looked outside to see an agent dressed in blue with the initials "CBP" on their back. Well, I knew that was "Customs and Border Protection", but I saw other similarly dressed individuals with some combinations that I couldn't put together in a semi-groggy state.
As we all stood up to deplane, the flight attendant announced that we should have our proof of citizenship and customs declaration cards ready immediately after exiting the plane. I was thinking to myself, "What the ...?"
As soon as we crossed through the door, there were three (3) CBP agents immediately to our left and right and another trio in the jetway. The ones in the jetway were the ones that were checking citizenship documents, but at this time I also noticed that I had left my laptop in the overhead bin. I informed the CBP agent and we had to wait until everybody had been dealt with.
As I got permission to go back on the plane, I informed the CBP agent that was in the front. Another two were down the aisle talking to the flight attendants. He got my back out of the overhead, asked me standard Customs ID questions (name, where do I live, where was I coming from, what was the purpose of my trip, etc.) and then gave me my bag.
I told Gena and Waverly that something was very, very different; however, it wasn't until I got home that I knew that there had been some type of major terrorist threat.
Flying to Cleveland on Monday morning to go see my grandparents and work from Pennsylvania for the week should be fun. :)
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